British-Canadian | |
英語講師English instructor | |
"Bridging the gap." 🏴 🇨🇦 🇯🇵 |
ビジネス英語でお悩みの方、小学校英語教育改革による 英語のコミュニケーション指導力に不安を抱いていらっしゃる教師の方、医療現場で英語力を必要とされる方、ご自分の 語学力で思いっきり海外旅行を楽しみたい方、余暇を利用しご自分の英語力をスキルアップしたい方、などなど。
一度、お気軽にご相談ください。具体的に、英語についてどのようなことを強化したいかご相談いただければ、適切に対応いたします。私は、皆様の英語力をしっかりサポートする British-Canadianの英語講師です。この分野で長い経験を持っています。
SBC English Schoolでは、オンライン英会話のプライベートレッスン、企業オフィス内での英会話レッスン、カフェでのプライベートレッスンやグループレッスン、ご自宅での個人・グループ向け英会話レッスンなどを提供しています。
Whether you use English for business, you're a teacher looking to upgrade your English communication skills to meet new standards within the education system, a medical professional in need of English language skills, someone who enjoys traveling abroad and would like to speak English with confidence, or someone who just wants to improve their English skills in general, we're here to help.
I'm a British-Canadian English instructor with a long history in the language teaching field. I'll do my best to guide and support you in your English language studies every step of the way. If you have a specific area of English that you would like to improve, please contact me @here and I'll be more than glad to help you.
SBC English School offers private online English classes, in-house English classes at your business location, private and group English classes at suitable cafes, and at-home English classes for individuals and groups. Specialised courses in business English, travel English, everyday English conversation, etc. are also offered.
We provide the following services, but please let us know if you have a specific requirement.
タイプClass type | 毎月/Mo. | 時間Time | 月謝Fee |
大人グループAdult group | 4回4 | 60分60m | 8000円¥8,000 |
中高生グループ(J)HS group | 4回4 | 60分60m | 6000円¥6,000 |
プライベートPrivate | 4回4 | 45分〜45m〜 | 16000円〜¥16,000〜 |
2020年9月1日の時点で有効です。Updated September 1st, 2020. |
SBC English Schoolでは、オンライン英会話のプライベートレッスン、企業オフィス内での英会話レッスン、カフェでのプライベートレッスンやグループレッスン、ご自宅での個人・グループ向け英会話レッスンなどを提供しています。
SBC English School offers private online English classes, in-house English classes at your business location, private and group English classes at suitable cafes, and at-home English classes for individuals and groups.
Specialised courses in business English, travel English, everyday English conversation, etc. are also offered. Please contact us here for more details.
You're the best teacher at our school.
- T., school owner
I was recently promoted from associate professor to professor thanks to your help!
- K., Medical professional
I have a good time in your class. I can relax and enjoy learning English with my colleagues.
- A., Company President
I was recently promoted from associate professor to professor thanks to your help!
- K., Medical professional
Your English class is the best part of my week!
- N., Company management
I have a good time in your class. I can relax and enjoy learning English with my colleagues.
- A., Company President
I really enjoy your lessons. I've learned a lot.
- T., student
I like your lesson sooooo much!
- A., student
My conversation and listening skills have really improved since I started taking your lessons.
- N., student
I'm happy when I'm studying English with you!
- C., student
You're the best teacher at our school.
- T., school owner
I'm glad that you are my teacher!! I hope to continue learning from you.
- A., student
You're a great teacher!
- E., school owner
Thank you for being the greatest, funniest and the best teacher! I'm always having fun going to your lesson.
- R., student
Thank you for being the greatest, funniest and the best teacher! I'm always having fun going to your lesson.
- R., student
My conversation and listening skills have really improved since I started taking your lessons.
- N., student
I like your lesson sooooo much!
- A., student